Morley Heritage Trails

Trail guides

There are three Morley Heritage Trails. You can access or download each of them separately or one long trail covering all three.

Use the links below to download PDF files of the Trails or to access digital maps and guidance on either Google Maps or the All Trails and Go Jauntly apps.

Further down you can find photos and descriptions of all the points of interest found on the trails.

All the points of interest

Heritage Trail 1

  • 1. Town Hall

    This is the main Civic building in Morley. It is a Grade 1 listed building, built in a classical style. The design and…

  • 2. Library

    The Town Council built the library in 1906. They received funding of £6,500 from Andrew Carnegie. It was…

  • 3. St Mary’s Church Sunday School

    This was built in 1898 on the site of the Old Chapel Parsonage. Morley High School first opened its doors here in…

  • 4. Church of St Mary in the wood

    This church, built in 1878, stands on the site of other churches which date back to medieval times. The previous…

  • 5. Morley Main Colliery

    This long flight of steps is in close proximity to the Morley Main deep pit coal mine. The mine now long gone…

  • 6. Railway Station

    Now Morley’s only railway station, it used to be known as Morley Low and it was opened in 1848 when the…

  • 7. Crank Mill

    This was the first steam-powered woollen mill in Yorkshire. It follows the line of Bilbury Bank, originally being…

Heritage Trail 2

  • 8. Croft House

    This is the birthplace of Herbert Henry Asquith who lived in Morley until he was five. He became the first…

  • 9. Church Street

    Church Street was formerly known as Windmill Lane because a windmill stood on adjacent land behind…

  • 10. Nelson Arms

    The Scatcherds built this public house in 1800 to honour Horatio Nelson’s victory on the Nile. Watson Scatcherd…

  • 11. St Peter’s Parish Church

    This Anglican church was built in 1830 with Government Funding and assistance from Lord Dartmouth and…

  • 12. Morley Bottoms & Brunswick St

    This street was the heart and main shopping area of old Morley. Some of the old buildings still remain and are…

  • 13. Morley Hole

    This was formerly a hollow area with a stream running through it. There were houses on the banks which were…

  • 14. Rehoboth Chapel Burial Ground

    This is now in private hands and under responsible restoration. Many great and good Morley benefactors lay at…

  • 15. Morley Hall

    This stone mansion was built in 1683 by Thomas Dawson, a local textile manufacturer. It has a fine vantage but…

  • 16. Scarth Gardens

    Adjoining Morley Hall, this sloping park is on land given to the town by Sir Charles Scarth at the same time as…

  • 17. Scatcherd Park

    Directly adjacent to Scarth gardens lies Scatcherd Park. It was opened in 1911 on land bequeathed to Morley by…

  • 18. Hopkins Garden

    Formerly the site of Morley House, a Georgian House which was demolished in 1935. This was the ancestral…

Heritage Trail 3

  • 19. Morley Cricket Club

    In 1841 Morley Cricket team, then known as Throttlers Off, played their first game on…

  • 20. Morley Rugby Union Club

    Nicknamed the Maroons because of their strip their fist match was on 9 November 1878 against…

  • 21. Dartmouth Park

    The first of Morley’s town parks to be opened in 1890. The land had been donated by…

  • 22. Thornfield House

    Build prior to 1866 for William Jackson a Morley business man of note and considered a modern…

  • 23. Scotchman Lane

    Named after the division of Scots soldiers who over wintered in Morley after the Battle of…

  • 24. Cross Hall

    This house was purchased by Mary Bosanquet in 1770, who set up an orphanage here, and…

  • 25. Central Methodist Church

    Built around 1860. This is a grade 2 listed building housing a Binns organ which was restored in…

  • 26. Groundwork (Wesley Street Mill)

    This was, formerly, the Wesley Street Mill which was owned by Sir Charles Scarth the wealthiest manufacturer in…

  • 27. Beryl Burton Gardens

    These gardens and the mural were laid out to commemorate the life of Beryl Burton O.B.E., a World Champion…